Privacy Policy

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Personal Information Protection Policy

Morita Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred to as "the Company") is aware that personal information is important, and in addition to adhering to legal regulations related to personal information will work to protect such information in accordance with the following policy.

1.Personal Information Collection
When collecting personal information, we will inform you in advance of the usage purposes and methods. Collections will be made within the scope of those purposes.
2.Personal Information Usage
The Company will use personal information within the scope of the usage purposes made known at the time of collection. In some instances data may be used statistically in a manner in which individuals cannot be ascertained.
3.Personal Information Management
The Company will manage personal information in an appropriate manner and will work to prevent its outside leakage.
In order to prevent the unauthorized access, loss, falsification and/or leakage of personal information, appropriate and reasonable security measures will be implemented, and efforts will be made to protect personal information.
The Company may subcontract the management of personal information in order to provide even better service. Subcontractors will be obligated by contract to provide adequate caution in terms of management. Additionally, appropriate direction and supervision will be given.
4.Personal Information Disclosure
The Company will not disclose personal information to any Third Party, excepting subcontracting companies, without the consent of the individual(s) in question. However, in the event that disclosure is requested by means of law or legal statute, or when the disclosure is requested by the court, police or other public institution, the disclosure of personal information will be made without the consent of the individual(s) in question.
5.Personal Information Confirmations and Corrections
Those that wish to confirm and/or correct personal information provided to us can contact the Company's front office, and we will assist you within reasonable limits.
6.Policy Improvements
The company will conduct proper reviews of its handling of personal information and work toward improvements. As a result, this policy may change without notice.

Inquiries Regarding Personal Information

Please direct any inquiries regarding the Company's personal information policy to